Thursday, August 29, 2013

30x30: earlier running goals

I've ticked off a few of my 30x30 goals so far. Here's a recap! 

12. Do a color run/fun run

In April I went to my first Color Run with my friend Rosa.

Getting ready for go time.

Getting color-tastic!

It was a total blast!

We both decided to run/walk the course together, and ended up running much more than walking! It was exciting and so much fun! So of course, I did another!

This time I did the Run or Dye with my work friends Donna and Beth.

Team Love to the Max at the finish line.

I think fun runs/color runs etc. are an awesome way to dip your toe into the organized racing world, and it totally inspired me to run some timed races and check off more goals!

2. Run a 5k

In may I ran my first 5k. It was the Free to Breathe event in Plano, and it was my first time running an actual timed race. My goal was to run the whole thing and not come in last. And I actually did pretty well!

Finish line photo thanks to my sweet bf.

Then after my awesome 5k experience, I went even farther!

3. Run a 10k

I ran the Wounded Warrior 10k in Las Colinas in June. It was POURING rain for most of the race, and I missed the start gun because I was taking shelter in a nearby parking garage (oops) but once I got going I really kicked it's but (for a slow runner, anyway). 

Sporting my awesome finisher's medal!

So now that I've got the running bug, I'm so psyched to keep reaching fitness goals. Now I'm signed up for my first (gulp) half marathon! This New Year's Eve I'll be running the New Year's Eve half in Allen. 

Keepin' it moving! 

30 before 30

On my 26th birthday, earlier this year, I decided to take up on a recent goal-making trend. I created a 30 before 30 list: a set of 30 goals I aim to accomplish by my 30th birthday. 

While the prospect of attempting so many things is a bit scary, I'm up for the challenge of pushing myself to conquer 30 whole bright shiny and new tasks!

Here is my big scary list! 

(***=goals I've accomplished thus far)

30 before 30:
1. Lose 100 lbs and keep it off
***2. Run a 5k
***3. Run a 10k
4. Run a half marathon
5. Run a marathon
6. Attend a music festival
7. Learn (more) Amharic
8. Dance en pointe
9. Record an album 
10. Play a show
11. Complete p90x
***12. Do a color run/fun run
13. Wear a bikini (in public)
14. Partake in a dumb viral meme
15. Boudoir photo shoot
16. Go on a cruise 
17. Attend a dance workshop
18. Audition for another musical
19. Busk at a busy outdoor mall
20. Go to nursing school
21. Play a game of paintball
22. Climb a rock wall
23. Quit smoking
24. Publicly come out 
25. Ride a horse
26. Obstacle course/mudder
27. Pierce belly button 
28. Have a fun/wild adventure
29. See a drive-in movie. 
30. Get the tattoos I've wanted

As you can tell, some of these are pretty simple, while others are daunting. But everything on this list is something that will enrich my life in some way.

Blog posts for each goal to follow!